Visit Coria in one day. What to see in its castle and its cathedral

In the north of Extremadura, bathed by the River Alagón, is Coria, a city through which many civilizations have passed and thanks to which today we can see many of its monuments.
Coria stands out for its beautiful Old Town and especially for its Cathedral. And very famous are also the Fiestas de San Juan that are celebrated in June. It is in its historic center where most of its main monuments are located.
If you stay in Cáceres we recommend this excursion to Coria, which also includes a visit to Plasencia.
What to see in Coria in one day
The Walls and the Castle of Coria
A tour of the city of Coria can begin by visiting its walls and its castle.
The wall is preserved almost in its entirety and is of Roman origin, dating its construction in the 3rd century.
Later, with the arrival of the Arabs, other elements were added.
It consists of 4 gates and next to one of them, that of San Francisco, you can see the Castillo de Coria built from 1472 by order of the Duke of Alba and which consists of the very well preserved Torre del Homenaje.
What to see in the Old Town of Coria
From there you can access the historic center of Coria, arriving first at the Plaza de España
Around the Plaza de España in Coria there are various monuments that you cannot miss, such as the Old Town Hall, the Royal Prison or the Church of Santiago.
The Royal Prison is from the 17th century and currently houses the City Museum. From the Church of Santiago, built between the 16th and 18th centuries and in the Baroque style, we can highlight its High Altar and the image of the Christ of the Afflicted.
Visit the Cathedral of Coria
From there, strolling through its narrow streets, we arrive at the main monument of the city, the Cathedral of Coria.
Next to it is the Episcopal Palace, which today houses a hotel. The Cathedral began to be built in 1498 in the place where other religious temples had previously been, and was completed in 1748.
It is Gothic in style with plateresque and baroque elements, highlighting above all its spectacular bell tower, the main altarpiece inside and an important collection of paintings and sculptures that can be seen inside.
The Choir, its stalls and its gate are also very remarkable in the Cathedral of Coria.
Other monuments to see in Coria
Next to the Cathedral, still in the Old Town, we can find the Palace of the Dukes of Alba, built between the 15th and 16th centuries, in a Gothic-Renaissance style where the Mudejar patios and the Renaissance viewpoint with an extraordinary garden stand out.
Outside the Old Town there are 2 bridges over the Alagón River that are worth visiting. One of them is the Medieval Bridge, which was built in the 15th century over another of Roman origin and of which there are excellent views from the Cathedral area, and the other is the Iron Bridge, built at the beginning of the 15th century. XX.
You can find more information about what to see in Coria on its official tourism page.