
What to see in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo

The Egyptian Museum in Cairo is the world’s leading museum housing Egyptian antiquities. It has more than 120,000 objects from different periods of Egyptian civilization, many of them of incalculable value, an almost obligatory visit with 2.5 million visitors a year.

The museum is more than 100 years old and among its most valuable pieces is the treasure found in the tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings.

It is also essential to visit the Hall of the Royal Mummies.

The visit to the Egyptian Museum

Tutankhamun maskIt can be said that the Egyptian Museum is in continuous expansion because every so often different objects are discovered in the multiple excavations that exist in Egypt.

In addition, the Egyptian government is taking steps to recover the objects that are in various museums around the world.

The museum is like a department store. There are too many pieces for the available space, which is otherwise huge, which gives you an idea of ​​the number of objects inside.

That is why a new museum is being built near the Pyramids of Gizah, but at the moment it is under construction. The most important thing that can be visited in the Egyptian Museum is the following:

  • Tutankhamun’s treasure. It is about thousands of objects found in the tomb of the most famous Egyptian pharaoh in 1922. This tomb has been the only one that has been found intact and therefore we can admire today so many Tutankhamun objects. Among all of them, his golden mask stands out.
  • Room of the Royal Mummies. This awe-inspiring room houses the mummies of well-known pharaohs such as Thutmose II or Ramses II and is well worth a visit. Remember when you are there that they are the real mummies.


  • Djoser statue. Famous for being in charge of ordering the construction of the famous Pyramid of Sakkara. The statue of him was found there.
  • Menkaure Triad.Found in the Pyramid of Micerinos it represents this pharaoh, the goddess Hathor and the divinity of the nome of Cinópolis.
  • Write Sitting. Almost as well known as its twin in the Louvre, only this one is in a wig unlike the one in the French museum.
  • Akhenaten statue. Found in Karnak, it is one of the most impressive statues in the museum and one of the best preserved.

Actually, any corner of the museum should be on this list. It is advisable to get a written guide to understand everything or hire one of the guides that are offered at the gates to tell you about it.

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