
Visit Dublin Castle, the great witness to the history of the city

South of the River Liffey is one of the main attractions to see in Dublin, its Castle. It was built from the 12th century, although most of the building that we can visit today dates from the 17th century after the forced reconstruction due to a fire that partially destroyed it.

Throughout all these centuries it has had different uses ranging from a royal residence to the seat of the Government of Ireland and even the Court of Justice.

Do not expect to see the typical castle, but this monument is still very interesting.

What to visit in Dublin Castle

Dublin - Castle - CourtyardHaving had so many uses throughout history makes a visit to Dublin Castle very complete as you will be able to see different environments created for different uses.

Today it is used for official receptions and other events such as inaugurations of the Presidents of Ireland.

You can visit Dublin Castle thanks to a guided tour, only in English, of about 45 minutes in which you will be able to learn all its ins and outs and they will tell you the history of the building, which on the other hand is also the history of Ireland.

dublin-castle-exteriorThe visit begins at the Landing of the Axes of War, located at the entrance to the Throne Room and which was where the Royal Guard was stationed to protect it.

From there you go to the royal apartments, visiting among them the Throne Room and other rooms of the former kings of Ireland that are decorated according to the time.

The Royal Chapel and the Apartments of the Viceroy are places that you should not miss.

The Chapel Royal, in the Gothic Revival style, was the official chapel of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (representative of the United Kingdom) until Irish independence in 1922.

The coats of arms of each one of the windows that represent each one of the lords that have existed since the Middle Ages stand out. Cultural exhibitions are usually held in its crypt.

The Powder Tower is the last destination and there is an underground vault where there are some remains of the old Dublin cobbled road.

From the outside of Dublin Castle, we must highlight the adjoining garden, very simple but at the same time welcoming, and also the cobbled main courtyard, where the famous Georgian-style Bedford Tower is located, built in the 18th century and which has its sides two arches that represent Strength and Justice.

You can find more information on the official Dublin Castle website.

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