Nepali language

The Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal is a country belonging to Asia, whose capital is Kathmandu. It has a population of 28 million inhabitants (49º) and its extension is 147,516 km2 (93º). Its human development index is medium (147th) and its official currency is the Nepalese rupee. But what language is spoken in Nepal?
What language do they speak in Nepal?
Nepal has one official language, Nepali.
However, its constitution states the following:
Article 6: All native languages spoken in Nepal are national languages of Nepal.
Article 7b: In addition to the Nepali language, provinces may choose one or more languages most widely spoken by the majority population of that province for government work.
This is due to the great diversity of languages that are present in the country. The country has a total of 129 mother tongues, of which the majority are only present orally. Furthermore, only 19 of these languages have more than 100,000 native speakers, spoken by a total of 96% of the population. These mother tongues are: Nepali (44.6% of the population), Maithili (11.7%), Bhoshpuri (6%), Tharu (5.8%), Tamang (5.1%), Newari (3.2%), Bajjika (3%), Magar (3%), Dotyali (3%), Urdu (2.6%), Awadhi (1.9%), Limbu (1.3%), Gurung (1.2%), Baitadeli (1%), Rai (0.6%), Aachami (0.5%), Bantawa (0.5%), Rajbanshi (0.5%) and Sherpa (0.4%)). Many of these languages have several dialects. For example, the Rai language has about 30.

The Maithili, Awadhi, and Bhojpuri regional languages are spoken in the southern Terai region; Urdu is common among Nepalese Muslims. Varieties of Tibetan are spoken in the northern Upper Himalayas, where standard literary Tibetan is widely understood by those with a religious education. The local dialects in the Terai and in the mountains are mostly unwritten and efforts are underway to develop systems to write them in Devanagari or with the Roman alphabet.
The most common immigrant languages are Haryanvi (890 speakers), East Punjabi (800), Sindhi (520), Odia (580), Assamese (480), Chinese (240), and Kudmali (230).
Knowledge of the English language in Nepal is average, up to 36% speak it (as a second language). The use of English is the most frequent among the inhabitants of Kathmandu (the capital of Nepal). Although Nepali is the native language, English is the main language used for business in Nepal.
The Nepali language
Nepali (नेपाली) is spoken by 72.4% of the population (of these, 58.6% as a first language and 41.4% as a second). It uses the Devangari writing system, just like Hindi. It is the language of government. Nepali serves as the lingua franca among the country’s various ethnicities.
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