
What to see in Tordesillas in one day, the place where the world was divided

Leaving aside the animalistic controversies that are repeated every year in September in Tordesillas, the truth is that this city is a city that has played a very important role in the history of Spain and that, thanks to its monuments, we must visit.

This Valladolid city is famous for the Treaty of Tordesillas, the agreement signed in 1494 between the Kingdoms of Castile and Aragon and Portugal to divide up the newly discovered lands of the New World.

Tordesillas is also famous because it was the place where Juana la Loca was confined from 1509 until her death in 1555. If you want to know the relationship of this historic woman with the city, do not miss this Tour of Juana la Loca through Tordesillas.

What to see in Tordesillas. A walk to meet her

The Bridge over the Douro River

What to see in Tordesillas - BridgeTordesillas is a city with a lot of history but small so visiting it does not take more than a few hours. And if you don’t want to get too complicated, you can take this guided tour of Tordesillas.

The tour of Tordesillas can begin at the Bridge over the Duero River, from where you also have the best, and most famous, views of Tordesillas.

This bridge has its origins in the fifteenth century although it is known that there was already a bridge in the same place in the tenth century.

On the other side of the bridge were the walls that surrounded the town but now only a western part of the old town remains, giving you an idea of ​​what it was like in the Middle Ages.

The Church of San Antolin and the Houses of the Treaty

Visit Tordesillas - Houses of the TreatyFrom there you begin to ascend through its streets until you reach the Church of San Antolín, which dates from the 16th and 17th centuries and where the tomb of Pedro González de Alderete, the founder of the town, is located.

But the most important thing are the buildings adjoining the church, the Treaty Houses, where the Treaty of Tordesillas was signed on June 7, 1494 and on whose cover you can see the coat of arms of the Catholic Monarchs.

The houses themselves do not attract too much attention, but knowing that such an important historical event took place there makes you hold your breath.

The Plaza Mayor and its surroundings

Tordesillas - Plaza MayorFrom there it is best to wander through the streets of Tordesillas until you reach the Plaza Mayor.

But first we pass through the different churches that are in the old town, among which we can highlight the I glesia de Santa María, in Gothic style and with an enviable High Altarpiece.

The Plaza Mayor is one of the most beautiful places in Tordesillas.

It is small but cosy, dating from the 16th century and four streets reach it, one on each side of the square formed by the arcaded houses that surround it with large windows and balconies.

In the Plaza Mayor is the Town Hall and there are numerous terraces of the bars that are in the arcades.

The Monastery of Santa Clara

And the tour of Tordesillas ends at another of the town’s main points of interest, the Santa Clara Monastery.

Formerly it was a Mudejar palace ordered to be built by King Alfonso XI to commemorate the Battle of Salado but later it was transformed into a convent for Poor Clare nuns.

To have more information about the places to see in Tordesillas you can visit its official tourism page.

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