
A walk down Grafton Street, Dublin’s most popular street

In addition to visiting some of its museums and monuments, strolling through the streets of Dublin is an experience that you should not forget. And here we are going to talk about Grafton Street, one of the main streets of the city, which together with O’Connell Street constitutes the best shopping area in Dublin.

Grafton Street starts from around Trinity College and ends next to St Stephen’s Green, one of Dublin’s most famous parks.

Strolling down Grafton Street will immerse you in the Irish atmosphere of street music and shops.

Grafton Street Shops

Dublin - Grafton StreetIn this bustling Dublin street, which is also pedestrianized so you can walk it without traffic and car noise problems, you can find the most important luxury shops in the city, but also other more affordable ones for all audiences.

Along the street, among street performers and many Dubliners and tourists shopping, you will come across numerous shops.

The most exclusive are in the Brown Thomas Dublin, a shopping arcade where you can buy all kinds of luxury products and where there are also some restaurants.

At the end of the street there is another shopping center, this one for all budgets, where there are also various restaurants. This is Stephen’s Green Shopping Center, whose exterior is very striking thanks to its white sheets that decorate it.

In the surrounding streets there are numerous pubs and restaurants, which help to increase the intense atmosphere of the area.

Also not to be missed is Bewleys’s Oriental Café, located on Grafton Street itself, which since 1927 has attracted numerous visitors to one of Dublin ‘s prettiest cafés.

What to see in Grafton Street. Molly Malone

dublin-statue-molly-maloneNear the beginning of the street on the north side is the famous Molly Malone Statue, a symbol of Dublin.

She is the leading lady in one of Ireland ‘s most famous folk songs. This song tells the story of Molly Malone, a fishmonger who used to go around town selling cockles and mussels but who worked as a prostitute at night.

This statue stands on Suffok Street, about 100 meters from Grafton Street, which was where it previously stood but was moved due to tramway construction work.

Legend has it that after dying of fever in the middle of the street, his ghost is currently walking around Dublin. The truth is that it is not even known if it really existed.

Photo Molly Malone: ​​Wikipedia

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