Bolivian language
The Plurinational State of Bolivia is a country that belongs to South America, whose capitals are Sucre and La Paz. It has a population of more than 11 million people (83rd) and an area of 1,098,581 km 2 (27th). Its human development index is medium (118º) and its official currency is the Boliviano. And what language is spoken in Bolivia? What language do they speak in Bolivia? Bolivia has up to 37 official languages, which are the following: Idiom Number of speakers ethnic population Aymara 1,677,100 – Araona 110 160 Baure 67 980 besiro 4,620 47,100 canichana 0 1,550 Spanish…
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Flora and fauna of Bolivia
Bolivian Flora The botanical exploration of Bolivia during the last two centuries did not leave a botanical legacy in the country. Only towards the end of the 20th century did Bolivia see the beginning of biology courses in its universities and the development of its own herbaria. Today there are important herbaria in La Paz, Santa Cruz, Cochabamba and Sucre with collections ranging between 40,000 and 350,000 specimens. In 2014, under the patronage of the Missouri Botanical Garden, a catalog of the vascular flora of Bolivia was published, in which 15,345 species are recorded, of which 12,165 are native and…
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Bolivian history
Brief history of Bolivia summarized A brief review of the history of Bolivia summarized, a South American country. Bolivia in ancient times The people of Bolivia were civilized for hundreds of years before the Spanish conquered the area. The city of Tiahuanaco was founded in what is now Bolivia around 400 BC. At its peak it had a population of about 40-50,000 inhabitants and its inhabitants created great works of architecture. They also worked on pottery, silver, copper, and obsidian. Beginning in AD 700, Tiwanaku ruled a large empire in Bolivia and southern Peru. However, around 1000 AD the empire…
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Traditions and customs of Bolivia
What traditions and customs are there in Bolivia? We delve into the customs and traditions of Bolivia. Food and economy Food in daily life The typical diet is high in carbohydrates but deficient in other food categories. In the highlands, the main staple food is the potato (dozens of varieties of this domesticated Andean are grown), followed by other Andean and European tubers and grains (e.g., oca, quinoa, barley, and increasingly in the Oriente, rice), corn and legumes, especially broad beans. Freeze-dried potatoes (“chuño”) and dried cecina (“ch’arki”) from cattle or Andean camelids (llama, alpaca, and vicuña) are common, although…
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