Australian language
The Commonwealth of Australia is a country belonging to Oceania, whose capital is Canberra (and not Sydney or Melbourne). It has a population of 25 million inhabitants (51st) and an area of 7,692,024 km 2 (6th). Its human development index is very high (3rd) and its official currency is the Australian dollar. But what language is spoken in Australia? What language do they speak in Australia? Although Australia does not have any official language, the de facto language is English, used by almost 73% of the population as their first language (as in New Zealand, which is also not official…
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Typical Australian food
Geographic setting and environment Australia is the smallest continent in the world. Located in Southeast Asia between the Pacific and Indian Oceans, its diverse landscapes and climates are home to a wide variety of plants and animals. It is generally warm and dry throughout the year, with no extreme cold and few frosts. The average annual rainfall is 42 centimeters (17 inches), much less than the average for all countries in the world, which is 66 centimeters (26 inches). Consequently, insufficient rainfall can cause droughts that threaten to destroy crops. The low rainfall in the country can also cause water…
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Australian flora and fauna
Australian flora For more than 200 million years, Australia has been divided from the rest of the world by oceans. For this reason, a great diversity of species in flora and fauna can originate. The fifth continent has a very specific vegetation and has approximately 22,000 types of plants. Of these types of plants, 90% do not appear anywhere else. Especially eucalyptus and acacia trees belong to the Australian vegetation, there are approximately more than 600 types of them. Especially the sophisticated eucalyptus appears in the most diverse areas, also in the hot and dry center of Australia. They grow…
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Australian history
Brief history of Australia summarized A brief review of the history of Australia, the sixth largest country in the world. Aborigines in Australia Aboriginal people are believed to have arrived in Australia around 40,000 BC during an ice age, when Australia was connected to Asia by a land bridge. Tasmania became isolated from Australia around 8,000 BC when the last ice age ended and sea levels rose. The Aborigines were a hunter-gatherer society. However, dingoes were domesticated around 4000-3000 BC Aborigines hunted with wooden spears and sometimes stone or bone blades. They also used nets. In addition to hunting mammals,…
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Australian traditions and customs
What traditions and customs are there in Australia? Annotations on the customs and traditions of Australia, in Oceania. Food and Economy Food in daily life Before colonization, Aboriginal peoples were supported by a diverse range of flora and fauna. The first settlers ate mainly meat (at first indigenous animals, then beef and lamb), bread and vegetables, particularly potatoes. Almost all foods that are eaten regularly – except seafood – were introduced after European colonization. However, there have been considerable changes in patterns of food preferences. In the 1940s meat consumption began to decline, poultry consumption increased dramatically after the 1960s,…
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History of Oceania
Brief history of Oceania summarized A brief review of the ancient history of the remote continent of Oceania. The origins of Oceania The history of Oceania is based on that of Australia and other Pacific islands. The story is also based on the history of the three sub-regions of Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia. The region was first explored by Europeans in the 16th century. Portuguese explorers reached Moluccas, Timor, Tanimbar Island and some parts of Carolina Island and New Papua Guinea between 1512 and 1525. Between 1527 and 1595, several large Spanish expeditions explored the Pacific Ocean resulting in the…
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New Zealand language
New Zealand is a country belonging to Oceania, whose capital is Wellington. It has 5 million inhabitants (120º) and an extension of 268,021 km 2 (75º). Its official currency is the New Zealand dollar and its human development index is very high (16th). And what language is spoken in New Zealand? What language do they speak in New Zealand? New Zealand has two official languages: Maori, which is spoken by 3.7% of New Zealanders. New Zealand Sign Language, used by 0.5% of its inhabitants. English , which is spoken by 96.1% of the population, is official de facto, as it…
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History of New Zealand
Brief history of New Zealand summarized A brief and enjoyable tour of one of the largest islands on the planet, New Zealand. The Maori The Maori arrived in New Zealand in the 10th century AD. They named the new land Aotearoa, which means Land of the Long White Cloud. The Maori brought dogs and rats. They also brought yams and kumaras or sweet potatoes and pumpkins. The Maori also ate fern roots. There was also an abundance of shellfish in New Zealand. The Maori hunted dolphins, whales, and seals and ate fish and shellfish. They also hunted large, flightless birds…
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New Zealand traditions and customs
What traditions and customs are there in New Zealand? Overview of New Zealand customs and traditions. Gastronomy Food in daily life Before 1975, the diet was based on meat, potatoes, seasonal temperate vegetables (cabbage, peas, beans, carrots, spinach, cauliflower, and broccoli), bread, seasonal fruits, dairy products, and fish. Chicken was a restaurant treat, and favorite fast food was meatloaf. Drinks were tea and beer. Since 1975, the kitchen has opened up to include a range of tropical and sub-tropical fruits, vegetables and spices. It has taken advantage of its Mediterranean climate to produce wine. Foods are readily available in supermarkets.…
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