Language of Greece
The Hellenic Republic (Greece) is a country belonging to Europe, whose capital is Athens. It has a population of 11 million inhabitants (80º) and an extension of 131,957 km 2 (95º). It has a very high human development index (31st) and its official currency is the euro. But what language is spoken in Greece? What language do they speak in Greece? Greece has only one official language, Greek. In this matter, Greece is a homogeneous country. There are, however, minority languages throughout the country. The most notorious are Albanian (nearly half a million speakers), Macedonian and Bulgarian, Aromanian and Meglenite,…
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History of Greece
Brief history of Greece summarized A brief and simple overview of the history of magnificent Greece, the cradle of democracy. Ancient Greece Stone Age farmers lived in Greece from 7,000 BC. Bronze was then introduced around 3,000 BC Around the year 2,500 BC a sophisticated society grew up on the island of Crete. It is known as the Minoan civilization. By 1950 BC the inhabitants had invented a form of writing using hieroglyphics. This script is called Linear A. The Minoans were a civilization of the bronze age. (They made bronze tools and weapons.) Their civilization was at its height…
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Music of Greece
The music of Greece is as diverse and celebrated as its history. Greek music is divided into two parts: traditional Greek music and Byzantine music, with more oriental sounds. These compositions have existed for millennia: they originated in the Byzantine period and in Greek antiquity; there is a continuous development that appears in language, rhythm, structure and melody. Music is an important aspect of Hellenic culture, both in Greece and in the diaspora. In ancient Greece, men used to do choirs for fun, celebration, and spiritual reasons. Instruments included the double-reed aulos and plucked string instrument (such as the pandura),…
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Traditions and customs of Greece
What traditions and customs are there in Greece? An overview of the customs and traditions of Greece. Gastronomy Food in daily life Grains, grapes, and olives are essential in the diet, supplemented by eggs, cheese, yogurt, fish, lamb, goat, chicken, rice, and fruits and vegetables. Certain foods are emblematic of national identity, such as moussaka, baklava, thick coffee, and resinated wine (“retsina”). Coffee shops have long functioned as daily meeting places for men. Dining out has grown in popularity, with a corresponding increase in the number and variety of restaurants. Food customs on ceremonial occasions Guests should always be offered…
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History of Athens
Brief history of Athens summarized Cradle of Western civilization, the history of Athens is eventful and fascinating. Discover briefly the past of the city from its foundation until it became the cultural, economic and political center of Greece. Foundation and monarchy Athens is named after Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom and war, and daughter of Zeus. The story of Athena is very similar to the story of the founding of Greece. The earliest settlers in Athens came from various ethnic groups organized into various kingdoms. They settled near the rock, which would later become the Acropolis. According to Greek…
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History of Crete
Brief history of Crete summarized The history of Crete, in a brief and summarized way. The origin of Crete The origin of the people who settled in Crete in 2600 BC is unknown. They were peaceful, progressive, creative, and most importantly, they knew how to navigate. Over the next 1,000 years, the Cretans make their country a great naval and commercial power. The great economic power of the island can be clearly seen in the remains that were found during the excavations at Knossos. Huge palaces with many rooms, adorned with rare paintings exude the joy of life, kindness and…
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History of Santorini
Brief history of Santorini summarized A brief look at the history of Santorini, one of the islands of Greece. The origin of Santorini According to Santorini records and excavations, the first human presence on the island dates back to the Neolithic. Santorini hosted an important civilization around 3600 BC Discoveries made in an important city near Akrotiri and the famous Red Beach show the existence of an ancient Minoan colony. The city was very similar to those found on the island of Crete, with many ceramic and wall decorations showing naturalistic landscapes of animals and humans in the same ancient…
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