
  • Photo of Venezuelan language

    Venezuelan language

    The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is a country belonging to South America, whose capital is Caracas. It has a population of 32 million inhabitants (44th) and an area of ​​916,445 km 2 (32nd). Its human development index is high (78th) and its official currency is the sovereign bolívar. But what language is spoken in Venezuela? What language do they speak in Venezuela? Venezuela has an official language, Spanish. However, the constitution recognizes more than thirty indigenous languages ​​for official use by indigenous peoples, among which are the following: Idiom Family Speakers in Venezuela Piapoco Arawak 1,750 Kurripako Arawak 3,740 Arawak-lokono…

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  • Venezuela’s history

    Brief history of Venezuela summarized A brief overview of the history of Venezuela summarized, country of the American continent. Venezuela in its beginnings For centuries the indigenous peoples of Venezuela lived from agriculture, but also from hunting and fishing. Then, in 1498, Christopher Columbus became the first European to reach Venezuela. In 1499 a Spaniard named Alonso de Ojeda led another expedition to the area. He named it Venezuela, meaning little Venice, after seeing huts on stilts. The Spanish founded their first city in Venezuela in 1521. They also began importing African slaves. However, Venezuela was relatively unimportant to the…

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  • Traditions and customs of Venezuela

    What traditions and customs are there in Venezuela? Discover what are the customs and traditions of Venezuela. Food in daily life Venezuelans have three main meals: a big breakfast, a big dinner (around noon) and a very light dinner at night. Venezuelan hospitality is pervasive, so something to eat and drink is expected when visiting someone’s home. Arepas, the most characteristic Venezuelan food, are thick discs made of precooked cornmeal, either fried or baked. Large arepas, with a variety of fillings (the most popular being ham and cheese), are eaten as snacks throughout the day; the smaller arepas are typically…

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  • History of Caracas

    Brief history of Caracas summarized We get to know the history of Caracas, in a brief and summarized way. The origin of Caracas The history of Caracas dates back more than 400 years, when indigenous communities occupied much of the valley. In the year 1562, the Spanish explorer Francisco Fajardo arrived with the ambition to create a plantation here, after establishing a series of settlements along the north coast. The initial settlement of Fajardo was soon destroyed by the natives of the region, but it would be the last rebellion of the natives. In July 1567, the foundations of Caracas,…

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