Nigerian language
The Federal Republic of Nigeria is a country belonging to Africa, whose capital is Abuja. It is the 7th most populous country in the world (191 million inhabitants) and the 32nd largest (923,768 km 2). Its human development index is low (152º) and its official currency is the naira. And what language is spoken in Nigeria? What language do they speak in Nigeria? Nigeria only has one official language, English, as part of the legacy of the British Colony of Nigeria that ended in 1960. It was then chosen as a way to facilitate the cultural and linguistic cohesion of…
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Nigerian history
The beginnings of Nigeria The history of Nigeria is rooted in an early civilization with outstanding art. The plateau area was the meeting point of cultural influences and agricultural trades. By 500 BC the Nok culture flourished. The Nok Society (People of the Plateau) were farmers who made iron tools and weapons known for their terracotta heads and figures. In the North, a strong state system based on divine kingship developed. The people raised horses, cattle, grew grain, cotton, and made cloth and iron. Two empires arose (Hausa-Bokwoi 100-1000 AD and Kanem-Borno 11th century). Northerners converted to Islam, traded gold…
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Nigerian music
Nigerian folk music includes many types of folk and popular music, some of which are known throughout the world. Folk music styles are related to the country’s multitudes of ethnic groups, each with their own techniques, instruments, and songs. Little is known about the country’s music history before contact with Europe, although bronze carvings dating from the 16th and 17th centuries have been found depicting musicians and their instruments. The largest ethnic groups are the Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba. The traditional music of Nigeria and all of Africa is almost always functional; in other words, it is done to mark…
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Nigerian traditions and customs
What traditions and customs are there in Nigeria? Let’s know what are the customs and traditions of Nigeria, an African country. Gastronomy Food in daily life Western influences, especially in urban centers, have transformed Nigerian eating habits in many ways. City dwellers are familiar with the canned, frozen, and pre-packaged foods found in most Western-style supermarkets. Foreign restaurants are also common in big cities. However, supermarkets and restaurants are often too expensive for the average Nigerian; therefore, only the rich can afford to eat like Westerners. Most urban Nigerians seem to combine traditional cuisine with a bit of Western-style food…
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