
  • Angolan history

    Brief history of Angola summarized A brief summary of the history of Angola, a country that was colonized by Portugal. Old Angola In the Middle Ages, what is now Angola was organized into kingdoms. The people lived from agriculture. Artisans made things out of metal and pottery. The Portuguese first arrived in Angola in 1483, but initially showed little interest in the area. The first Portuguese colony in Angola was not founded until 1575. In the 17th and 18th centuries, Angola was a source of slaves for the Portuguese. Many were transported to Brazil. However, the slave trade was abolished…

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  • Traditions and customs of Angola

    What traditions and customs are there in Angola? Angola, a country that was colonized by Portugal, is a nation with promising potential. We present the customs and traditions of Angola. Food and economy Food in daily life More than half of the population is unemployed and it is estimated that 70 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. Hunger is a threat in many areas. As normal economic activities are impossible in many regions, local eating habits are hardly distinguishable. The coastal population includes a lot of seafood in their diet, pastoralists in the Southwest rely primarily on…

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