Pakistan language

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a country belonging to Asia, whose capital is Islamabad. It has a population of 213 million inhabitants (5th), and an area of 881,913 km 2 (33rd). Its human development index is medium and its official currency is the Pakistani rupee. But what language is spoken in Pakistan?
What language do they speak in Pakistan?
Pakistan has two official languages:
- English , used mainly for official purposes.
- Urdu, the country ‘s lingua franca and the national language.
In Pakistan there are 5 languages with more than 10 million mother tongue speakers: Punjabi (44%), Pashto (15.5%), Sindi (14%), Seraiki (10.5%) and Urdu (7.5%).). Baluchi is spoken by 3.5% of the population and Hindko by 2.5%, the remaining 2.5% being various other languages, among which are: Shina, Khowar, Kohistani, Buruchasquio, Wají and Balti.
Arabic is officially recognized by the constitution, out of respect for Muslims in the country, but it is not an official language.
The urdu language
Urdu (اُردُو), despite being the official language, is only spoken natively by a small part of the population (7.5%). However, it is understood by more than 75% of the population, thus being the lingua franca of Pakistanis and a symbol of Muslim identity and national unity. Increasingly, Pakistanis living in urban populations adopt it as their first language.
The English language
English (English), as a heritage of the British colonial legacy, is the language used for official purposes, such as official business, government and legal contracts. The local variant is known as Pakistani English. Pakistan’s constitution and laws were written in English, and are now being rewritten in local languages. It is also widely used in schools, colleges and universities as a medium of instruction. It is increasingly spoken in the upper classes.
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