
  • Photo of Typical Algerian food

    Typical Algerian food

    Geographic setting and environment Algeria is located in North Africa, on the Mediterranean Sea. The fertile and mountainous northern region is home to olive trees, cork oaks and vast evergreen forests where wild boars and jackals roam. In the warmer areas grow fig trees, agaves and several palm trees. The vine is native to the coastal plain. Central Algeria is made up of high plateaus containing salt marshes and dry or shallow salt lakes. The land becomes more arid (dry) as you go south, eventually becoming the Sahara desert. About 80 percent of the country is desert, where vegetation is…

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  • History of Algeria

    Brief history of Algeria summarized A brief overview of the history of Algeria. Old Algeria In the year 150 BC there were Berber kingdoms in what is now Algeria. However, in 24 BC they were annexed by the Romans. The Romans built roads, cities, and aqueducts. Under the Romans, Algeria converted to Christianity. The great theologian Augustine (354-430) lived in Hippo (now Annaba). When the Roman Empire in the west collapsed, a people called the Vandals passed through Algeria on their way to Tunisia, but had little effect on the area. At the end of the 7th century the Arabs…

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  • Traditions and customs of Algeria

    What traditions and customs are there in Algeria? A review of the customs and traditions of the North African country, Algeria. Food and economy Food in daily life The national dish of Algeria is couscous, steamed wheat semolina served with lamb or chicken, cooked vegetables and sauce. This is so basic to the Algerian diet that its Arabic name, ta’am, translates to “food.” Common flavors include onions, turnips, raisins, chick peas, and red bell peppers, as well as salt, pepper, cumin, and coriander. Alternatively, couscous can be served sweet, flavored with honey, cinnamon or almonds. Lamb is also popular, and…

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