
Andorran language

Flag of Andorra

The Principality of Andorra is a country belonging to Europe, whose capital is Andorra la Vieja. Its population is about 80,000 inhabitants (185º) and its extension is 468 km2 (195º). Its human development index is very high (35º) and its official currency is the euro. But what language is spoken in Andorra?

What language do they speak in Andorra?

Andorra has an official language, Catalan.

But despite having only one official language, Andorra mainly speaks 4 languages ​​(classified by mother tongue):

  1. The Spanish, the mother tongue of 43.8% of the population.
  2. The Catalan, spoken by 39.5% of its inhabitants.
  3. The Portuguese, which is spoken by 18.6% of the inhabitants.
  4. French , the mother tongue of 9.7% of Andorrans.

However, if we take into account the usual use in relationships with other people:

  1. OnlyCatalan (45.6%)
  2. Only Spanish (27.5%)
  3. Catalan and Spanish (9.6%)
  4. Only Portuguese (3.8%)
  5. Only French (2.2%)
  6. A language other than those mentioned (1.5%)
  7. Other combinations (10%)

Andorrans, on average, have a level of understanding of the following languages:

  1. Spanish (9.2 /10)
  2. Catalan (8.1)
  3. French (4.8)
  4. English (3.0)
  5. Portuguese (2.5)

To get an idea of ​​linguistic use at home, in order:

  1. Catalan (37.5%)
  2. Spanish (30.7%)
  3. Portuguese (14.4%)
  4. Catalan and Spanish (6.0%)
  5. French (3.2%)
  6. Other situations (7.9%)

The most used language with friends is:

  1. Catalan (42.1%)
  2. Spanish (31.8%)
  3. Catalan and Spanish (8.2%)
  4. Portuguese (5.4%)
  5. French (2.5%)
  6. Other situations (9.5%)

And to know what language is spoken at work internally:

  1. Catalan (43.4%)
  2. Spanish (32.1%)
  3. Catalan and Spanish (9.0%)
  4. French (2.0%)
  5. Other situations (12.4%)

And the languages ​​used at work (external relations):

  1. Only Catalan (38.7%)
  2. Catalan and Spanish (27.5%)
  3. Only Spanish (11.3%)
  4. Only French (1.2%)
  5. Other combinations (20.5%)

In the public administration, they serve in:

  1. Only Catalan (91.5%)
  2. Catalan and Spanish (4.0%)
  3. Only Spanish (3.6%)
  4. Other situations (0.9%)

How often does an Andorran start a conversation in Catalan:

  1. Always (42.1%)
  2. Very often (27.1%)
  3. Rarely (17%)
  4. Never (13.4%)

Finally, percentage of time each language is spoken for the population as a whole:

  1. Catalan (49.4%)
  2. Spanish (36.6%)
  3. Portuguese (6.8%)
  4. French (4.5%)
  5. English (1.5%)
  6. Others (1.1%)

In the educational system, there are 3 types of systems:

  1. The Andorran, withvehicular Catalan language, which depends on the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Government of Andorra. It was created in 1982. Currently 40% of students are enrolled.
  2. Spanish, with vehicular Spanish language, dependent on the Ministry of Education of Spain . It has 5 primary schools and one secondary school. 28 % of students choose this system.
  3. French, with vehicular French language, which depends on the French Ministry of National Education . There are 14 primary schools and one institute (Lycée Comte de Foix). 32 % of students do it in the French system.

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